Maple Drive, Worksop, Nottinghamshire S81 0LR

01909 486374


Prospect Hill Infant And Nursery School

Welcome to Our Website!

Staff who work in our School

Head Teacher  -  Mrs L Rose

Deputy Head - KS1 Team Leader and Year 2 Teacher (Butterflies)
Deputy Safeguarding Lead, English, Behaviour and Computing Co-ordinator

Mrs R Palmer    

EYFS Team Leader & Foundation  2 Teacher (Badgers)
Deputy Safeguarding Lead, 
Music, and Arts Co-ordinator

Mrs A Burton

Year 1 Teacher - (Foxes)  - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Humanities Co-ordinator

Mrs H Hall

Year 2 Teacher - (Owls)
Mental Health Champion,  Anti Bullying Co-ordinator, 
Science Co-coordinator, PSHE lead, Attendance Advocate

Miss N Shaw

Year 1 Teacher - (Squirrels)
DT Co-ordinator 


Year 2 Teacher (Squirrels)

 Mrs B Mace (Maternity Leave)


Miss E Cull

Foundation 2 Teacher (Ladybirds) - Thursday, Friday
EAL Lead

Mrs E Robertson

Foundation 2 Teacher - (Ladybirds)
SENCO, Pupil Premium Lead and Maths Co-ordinator, SLT

Foundation 2 Teacher (Hedgehogs) 
Physical Education Lead, RE Lead and British Values Co-ordinator

Mrs J Smith 


Mrs K Eadie

School Business Manager 

School Office Administrator and Attendance Officer 


Senior Teaching Assistant and Named First Aider

Mrs M Cavell

Mrs L Berridge


Mrs A Wain

Teaching Assistant / ELSA Mrs A Fudge

Teaching Assistant, Attendance Rewards Champion

Mrs E Watkinson

Forest Schools Lead, Teaching Assistant,
Stay and Play Leader

Mrs S Reynolds

Teaching Assistant, THRIVE

Mrs M Bolton

Teaching Assistant   Mrs D Fox
Teaching Assistant Mrs T Perkins
Teaching Assistant Mrs A Bramall
Breakfast Club Supervisor, Care Assistant Miss L Caudwell

Breakfast Club Assistant

Care Assistant

Mrs P Forster

Miss D Freeman

Mid Day Supervisor Mrs M Hughes

Mid Day Supervisor, Care Assistant

Mrs T Sadler

Mid Day Supervisor, Care Assistant Miss B Constantine

Mid Day Supervisor, Care Assistant, Stay and Play assistant, THRIVE


Miss C Foye 


Catering Manager

Mrs G Mawson
Catering Assistant Miss S Ferrand