Maple Drive, Worksop, Nottinghamshire S81 0LR

01909 486374


Prospect Hill Infant And Nursery School

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Last week we invited our grown ups to join us in the school hall for our puppet workshop.

We all had so much fun making our puppets and they all turned out brilliantly.

Thank you everyone - take a look at these fabulous creations. 

Our new topic this term is ‘Incredible Me’

We began our topic by having lots of conversations and reading books about our similarities and differences. We quickly discovered that we all enjoy different hobbies and interests. Some of us are good at some things whereas others may need a little more practice. We all have different talents and personalities which is what makes us special and unique.

We all had a go at drawing a self portrait in oil pastels carefully looking through mirrors at our facial features. Some of us had blue eyes and some had brown or green. We noticed that we all had different shaped faces and noses and different coloured hair. 

This week Badger class have been learning about Easter. We started the week by reading the Easter story and finding out how Christian people celebrate Easter.

We have enjoyed making Easter cards, making up Easter stories using the toys in our classroom and having a go at all the different Easter activities.

Have a lovely Easter.

Our final forest school with Badger Class was all about the safety rules of making a fire and to know that fire is dangerous.We got to watch a fire being lit safely and saw how to extinguish a fire. We talked about how to use the respect position around the fire circle and how using fire gloves kept adults safe whilst tending to the fire.

Also something magical happened to our fire! Can you see? The children couldn't believe their eyes that we had made a mystical fire.

Not only that, but when we went to Play and Explore we noticed that chocolate eggs had appeared in the woods and we were able to eat them  whilst sat around the fire circle. 

A BIG THANK YOU to ALL our adult helpers who came to support by giving us a friendly helping hand. You were AMAZING! We really did appreciate it.


Badger Class have been busy exploring 2D shapes and have created their own stunning artwork using collage, printing and design skills.

During our inside play to learn, we have been using primary colour powder paints to mix secondary colours and have discovered that if we overlapped some of the shapes on our collages it had the same colour mixing effect.

Well done Badgers. 

Over the last few weeks in Forest School Mrs Reynolds gave us a Tool Talk on Loppers and a Sheath knife. After the Tool Talks we had the opportunity to use the tools ourselves.

Loppers were used to cut branches around the woods to make our shelter wider and to cut down the prickly holly.

We used a potato peeler tool to whittle sticks, (which had a handle and cutting edge just like the sheath knife), using a glove on our helping hand to remove the bark.

Everyone loved having the choice to do this and had the best time exploring around the woods. 

As part of our topic, A Walk in the Woods, the children have created a non-fiction booklet about British Woodland Animals. 

They have each designed a front cover and have written sentences about the animals.

Take a look at this amazing work. 

Badgers are all brilliant Authors.


What a beautiful day for a visit to the forest! We were so excited to start Forest School sessions again.

We started the session by sitting around the fire circle and Mrs Reynolds reminded everyone of the fire circle rules. We then had lots of time to explore by ourselves. We found lots of worms, tiny snails and slugs. We learnt a new song to help us learn the different parts of a tree. We know now that a tree has roots, a trunk, branches and leaves.

Mrs Reynolds kindly brought in some cereal treats to thread onto pipe cleaners which we hung on branches around the forest for the birds and animals to enjoy.

We looked for signs of Spring and the children took photographs of trees, buds and flowers on iPads. 

Who knew learning could be so much fun!

This week we have been reading the book ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ by Giles Andreae and David Wojtowycz. We enjoyed reading the poems about the different ocean creatures and now know that people who write poems are called poets.

We looked at the illustrations in the book and used them as inspiration for these wonderful pieces of wax resist artwork. 

Our new Topic this half term is Ocean Explorers.

To kick start our topic we read a magical book called ‘Ocean Meets Sky’ by The Fan Brothers.  In the story a little boy called Finn  goes on an imaginary journey to where the ocean meets the sky.  We enjoyed looking at the beautiful illustrations and used some of the images in the story to create our own shell collages. In our outdoor area we worked together to  build a ship using the large wooden bricks. We had lots of fun acting out the story and going on our own imaginary journeys. 

We have also been learning about planet Earth and know that much of the Earth’s surface is made up of seas and oceans. We really enjoyed looking at Google Earth and zooming in to find the UK and then Worksop. 


Badger Class have been learning about how Christian people prepare for and celebrate Christmas. We read The Nativity story and talked about the different characters. We learnt to sing some Christmas songs and enjoyed performing these at our Christmas concert.

We have been busy decorating our classroom and our class Christmas tree. We have had fun making calendars, cards and fabulous decorations to take home.

We all enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner and decorated our own hats for the Christmas party day.  We played party games and had lots of fun dancing to Christmas music.

Wow Badger Class. What a busy week.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Last Friday we had a ‘Maths Story Day.’ We read a book called ‘The Perfect Fit’ which was all about shapes. Afterwards, we investigated how 2D shapes can fit together and made lots of shape patterns and pictures.

Our PE lessons this term have been led by Mini Kixx. Coach Connor has been teaching us how to throw and catch.  We have practised under arm, over head and chest passes.  We have worked individually, in pairs taking turns to mirror our partners work.  Coach Connor was really proud of us and said that we had really improved since our first session..

Our Topic this half term is 'Special Stories.'  We started the topic by bringing in our favourite story books from home. We enjoyed sharing our books with the class and talking about why we like them.

 We learnt about a special book called The Bible. We looked at some different Bibles and discovered that they come in lots of different shapes and sizes.  Some had pictures and some had only words. We found out that a Bible contains lots of stories and that it is a special book for Christian people.

We read the bible story Noah's Ark.  Afterwards, we used toys and props to retell the story of how the animals went into the Ark two by two.  

We made a large scale collaborative drawing and painted rainbows to symbolise the end of the rain storm.



Badgers have had two more fantastic visits to the forest.  First we revisited our forest school rules to remind everyone how to keep safe in the woods. Next, we  talked about ‘hazards’ in the forest such as nettles, thorns, fungi and prickly leaves. Following our discussions we made our own 'hazard sticks' and placed them next to hazardous areas. 
Mrs Reynolds read us a Percy the Park Keeper story called ‘After The Storm’ which we listened to as we sat underneath our very own Oak tree. At the end of our story we went to play and explore in the forest. Some of us made our own animal habitats using  natural objects found in the forest.

This week Badger class have been reading the story 'The Gruffalo' by Julia Donaldson.  We talked about the characters and setting and used toys and props to retell the story.  Everyone painted a paper plate and used their fine motor skills to carefully cut out features to make a  Gruffalo face.  

This week we have been learning about the Hindu festival Diwali.  We read the Diwali story and thought the ten headed monster Ravana was very scary!  We really enjoyed watching video clips of a Hindu family preparing for and  celebrating Diwali.   We watched the family as they visited the Mandir, lit diva lamps and prepared a special Diwali meal. We looked at lots of different rangoli and mehndi patterns then had a go at creating some of our own. We made our very own Diva lamps using clay.  

This week we had our first Forest School session and what and amazing time we had!

We started the session by sitting on the log circle and Mrs Reynolds talked to us about the Forest School rules. Next we had time to explore the forest. We spotted some characters from a story that is set in a forest. Can you guess what story it is?

We ended the session with a game of hide and seek. 

Thank you Mrs Reynolds - we can't wait until next week!

We enjoyed reading The Little Red Hen and talking about harvest.  Our observational artwork was amazing.  We all loved investigating and learning about the different sorts of fruits and vegetables. 

This week we have been learning about number four.  We  had a go at making patterns of four using indoor and outdoor resources.  Even though the patterns looked different we knew that there were still four objects.

This week we read the traditional story of Rapunzel.  The children enjoyed building Rapunzel's tower using different construction toys.  They pretended to let down their long hair from the top of the tower.  We have also been busy threading beads and rolling playdough to make Rapunzel's hair.  During the week we read the alternative story 'Rapunzel and her Ever So Shiny Locks'. We talked about how the story was the same/different to the traditional version. 

This week Badger Class have been reading the traditional story of Jack and the Beanstalk.  We have talked about the characters and have learnt that the story has a beginning, a middle and an end. The children have had great fun using the props to retell the story. They have used their fine motor skills to cut out leaves for our giant beanstalk. During our outdoor 'Play to Learn' time we made a huge beanstalk using real leaves that the children collected from around our playground. Well done Badger Class !

Badger Class have had a brilliant start to the school year and have settled really well into school life.  We have been busy exploring the indoor and outdoor areas and have had lots of fun getting to know each other.  Mrs Burton, Mrs Fox and Mrs Sadler are very proud of you all.