Maple Drive, Worksop, Nottinghamshire S81 0LR

01909 486374


Prospect Hill Infant And Nursery School

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Year 2

July 2024

Today we had fun learning how to play boccia. We learnt some of the rules needed to play the game. We learnt it was a game of precision, skill and tactics! 

July 2024

Today the firefighter crew visited Butterflies Class. We were able to explore the fire engine and its tools, sit in the cab and hold the big hose! We had a great time! 

July 2024

This week in our English lessons we have been learning about bees and why they are so important.

Take a look at some of the interesting facts we have researched about them. 

July 2024

To celebrate International Multicultural Arts Week 2024, we have been on a whirlwind world tour! We have explored the cultures of Zimbabwe, Lithuania, Romania, Poland, and Egypt.

Our exciting journey included learning fun facts about each country, identifying their flags, and even picking up some traditional dance moves!

Check out us showcasing our newfound skills!

July 2024

Over the last few weeks Butterflies Class have been watching the metamorphosis of our caterpillars into butterflies. They have been kept in our classroom in a special butterfly net, whilst they transformed into the chrysalis and then into butterflies.

We took the net outside and released the butterflies one by one onto the field. 

June 2024

Today in our Forest School session we learnt about animal habitats. We had great fun building a shelter for an animal! 

June 2024

National Schools Sport Week

Today we had a yoga/dance session. We were fantastic at some of the different yoga poses. 

June 2024

National Schools Sport Week

Today we had a martial arts session. 

June 2024

National Schools Sport Week

Today we had a Mini Kixx session with Coach Connor. We really enjoyed learning to hold a hockey stick correctly and safely. We learnt to push a hockey ball to maintain control. Sustaining the correct position is harder than it looks!

June 2024

National Schools Sport Week

Today we were so excited to welcome an international athlete to our school, Joe Ferguson.
Joe is a team G.B. sprinter and is the fastest Yorkshireman in history. He is a four time U.K. National Medalist and was ranked 18th in the world! He is currently training hard for the next Olympics. We had a great P.E. session with him and he showed us many skills needed to be a great athlete! Well done Butterflies Class you were amazing! 


June 2024

Today in our Forest School session we learnt how to build a simple shelter. We learnt how to use a mallet safely and then had great fun building our shelters. Take a look at us in the forest! 

June 2024

This week in our 'Book Club' session we read and discussed the story 'The Rainbow Flamingo' by Catherine Emmett. We loved the illustrations in this bright, colourful book. Take a look at our own illustrations. 

June 2024

Today in P.E. we learnt about the long jump. We had a go at different types of jumps, for example, two feet to two feet and one foot to the same foot. We also practised a push throw. We continued to develop techniques to throw for increased distance. Look how good we are getting! 

May 2024

Butterflies Class have loved the challenge of reading tongue twisters in our English lessons. We read some very well known tongue twisters and had lots of laughs trying to say them several times in a row and building speed each time. Some were very difficult to pronounce properly- especially when trying to say them fast. It was certainly lots of fun! We even wrote our own tongue twisters using words with the same sounds. Our final challenge was to rehearse and perform our tongue twister to our friends.

May 2024

Today in our Art session we have been looking at the work of Chris Kenny, who uses his imagination to transform materials such as twigs into art work. We then used his idea for a source of inspiration for our own artwork.

Take a look at our stick people we have created.

May 2024

Today in our Music lesson we played the chime bars to accompany  a song.  We learnt how to  read simple musical notation to play the chime bars. It sounded great! 

April 2024

Here are some of the riddles we have written. Can you solve the riddles?

April 2024

This week in our Design and Technology lessons we have been designing and making finger puppets.

We have been learning how to join two pieces of material together. Take a look at our animal puppets! 

April 2024

Today in our Mini Kixx session we practised sprinting. We also practised our javelin skills too. 

April 2024

This week in our English lessons we have been reading and writing riddles. 

Here are our first drafts of our animal riddles. Can you solve each riddle?


April 2024

Today Butterflies Class visited the Harley Gallery to take part in a clay workshop. The session started with a visit to Michelle Reader’s horse sculptures in the Harley Courtyard, where we learnt about how she was inspired by ponies and nineteenth century race horses. We then visited the Portland Collection Museum to see paintings, a silver gilt candelabra adorned with insects, and a statuette of St. George and the dragon, all while taking part in a series of art challenges and activities. After this we then had a practical hands-on workshop with clay, designing and creating our own clay creatures.

Take a look at our fantastic clay creatures. 

April 2024

Today in our Mini Kixx session we practised the long jump as well as side to side jumps. 


April 2024

Today in P.E. we learnt how to throw and catch a ball with both hands. We learnt how to position our arms and hands for catching. 

March 2024

Year 2 Activity Morning

Today Butterflies Class made and created vehicles as part of their Design and Technology unit, wheels and axles. 

Here are some pictures of the children in action and also their fantastic final products.

March 2024

Have a look at some of our Easter cards we made today. 

March 2024

In Science we have been learning that plants may grow from either seeds or bulbs. These then germinate and grow into seedlings which then continue to grow into mature plants. These mature plants may have flowers which then develop into seeds, berries, fruits etc. Seeds and bulbs need to be planted outside at particular times of year and they will germinate and grow at different rates.

We have been busy planting our own seeds.


March 2024

In our Art sessions we have been exploring colour, colour mixing and the intention behind mark making.  We have been learning that 'Expressive art' and design is made up of two key areas, creating with materials, and being imaginative and expressive.

Today we made collages, looking at the form and colour. 

March 2024

Red Nose Day 2024 in Butterflies Class!

March 2024

Today Steve Antony visited us via Teams. He is an award winning writer and illustrator of 22 children’s books. His picture books include “Unplugged”, “Amazing” and the “Mr Panda” series.

He read us one of his stories and then showed us how to draw one his illustrations. We had a fantastic session. 


March 2024

World Book Week

A huge well done to all the children who designed a scene from their favourite story inside a box. They all look absolutely amazing. Well done Butterflies! 

February 2024

In our dance P.E. session this week, we have been making different shapes with a partner. We have been sequencing movements and creating different shapes. 


February 2024

In our Art lesson this week, we have been using various tools to apply paint in abstract patterns. We have been developing our knowledge of primary and secondary colours through expressive mark making and connecting colour and texture.

February 2024

This week in English we have been looking  at the features of an explanation text. We have been looking at the life cycle of a frog. Take a look at our  information about the stages of a frogs' life. 

February 2024

In our Science work today, we used our knowledge of paper strength and rigidity, to build a paper bridge, strong enough to hold a toy car. Look at our designs! 

February 2024

On Tuesday 6th February it was Safer Internet day. To help us remember how inportant internet safety is, we have been designing posters with Smartie the Penguin on them, displaying his important message. Take a look at some of these fantastic posters. 

February 2024

Take a look at our photos of our Phonics Showcase activity morning. We enjoyed playing some phonics games with our adults as well as showing them some of our phonic skills.

 February 2024

Today in Geography we have been  learning  how to draw human and physical features on a sketch map. We have been learning  how to draw a map of the local area using symbols to represent human and physical features.

January 2024

This week we have been celebrating Storytelling Week! The children have been taking part in various activities throughout the week which has taken them on a journey to become confident storytellers with a focus on developing oracy skills. We have been looking at the oral storytelling tradition and  have challenged the children to create their own stories.

January  2024

This term in our art lessons we  have explored the work of some architects. We have seen that they design buildings, and that “architecture” can be large, incredible buildings, or smaller places near where we live. We have seen how architects use their imaginations to try to design buildings which make people’s lives better. We have made an  architectural model of a building, thinking about form, structure and balance, and the way the model looks. We made some fantastic designs. 

January 2024

This week in English we have been reading the 'Bachelor and the Bean' by Shelley Fowles. In this Jewish folktale from Morocco, a grumpy old Bachelor receives a magic pot from an imp, but it is stolen by an old woman, and when the two eventually meet, she turns out to be more of a match for him than he had ever bargained for! We have been describing the characters in the stories, both their appearances and their personalities. 

January 2024

Today in our Computing lesson we  looked at the work of William Morris and recreated it using the Patterns template on Purple Mash.

We made some fantastic patterns. 

January 2024

In our Art Sessions we have been exploring the work of some architects. We have seen that they design buildings, and that “architecture” can be large, incredible buildings, or smaller places near where we live. We used our sketchbooks to look at architecture really carefully. We made our own drawings of theTaj Mahal. We have explored line and shape. What fabulous drawings!

December 2023

Take a look at our fabulous Christmas dancing.

December 2023

Butterflies Class had fun on their Christmas party day! 

December 2023

This week in our Design And Technology lesson we have been designing and making castles. We looked at the features of a castle. We then created a castle using  a range of junk modelling materials. Look at some of our designs!

December 2023

Take a look at some our Christmas card designs! .

December 2023

Well done to Butterflies Class for their fabulous Christmas  performance of "The Hoity Toity Angel".  They were fantastic. Take a look at some of our dress rehearsal photos. 

Christmas Jumper Day in Butterflies Class! 

December 2023

Today it was 'Maths Book Day'. We read the fascinating book 'Actual Size' by Steve Jenkins. In 'Actual Size' we meet animals of different sizes. Animals are drawn to scale so children can see how they measure up to each animal. Each page includes interesting facts and physical dimensions of the animal.

'Actual Size” is about size relationships and measurement. When exploring and measuring the animals in the book, we talked about -

  • Animals come in many different sizes. Some are big, small, short, or long.
  • How to compare animals of different sizes to find out which animal is bigger, smaller, shorter, or longer.
  • How we compare in size to the different animals.

We then drew animals to scale from the book. The wingspan of an Atlas Moth is 30cm long! 

December 2023

This week Butterflies Class have worked hard in English to produce detailed instructions explaining how to paint a a snowman picture. We looked at the features of instructions and were able to include many of these in our own writing such as a title, bullet points, numbers and bossy or imperative verbs. Here is our first draft. We then followed our instructions to paint a snowman! 

November 2023

In our dance sessions we have been learning to sequence our movements together. Take a look at our dance! 

November 2023

Today in Art we looked at the work of the artist Xgaoc'o X'are who uses mono printing in her art work.

We made our own mono print using carbon paper.

November 2023

Today in Design and Technology we had a fun making our own healthy pizzas. 

In Design and Technology we have been learning about 'Perfect Pizzas!'. We carried out a survey to decide which pizza is the favourite in our class. The children designed their own pizza, with an item from each of the food groups and then today we made own tasty pizza to eat!

We then finished by evaluating our pizzas, deciding if they were healthy or not and how we could improve them next time. 


November 2023

Children In Need 2023

Wev have enjoyed some Pudsey activities today in Butterflies Class. 

November 2023

Today 'Grandad Wheels' visited us. After a serious accident in 2013, Grandad Wheels was left paraplegic and a full-time wheelchair user. A few years ago, he started writing stories to amuse his Grandson Charles and now there are six stories in the series 'The Adventures of Grandad Wheels!' He told us one of his stories. Then we had a go at designing a  super imaginative wheelchair. We shared our designs with Grandad Wheels. 

November 2023

In our dance P.E. lesson, we linked several moves together to create a sequence. We performed different sequences which varied in height, speed and style. 


November 2023

This term our topic  is called 'Towers, Tunnels and Turrets'. In our English lessons we have been writing non-chronological reports about castles. We have learnt lots of information about castles. We have been learning what life was like in a castle and what types of people used to and still do live in castles.

October 2023

This week we had a special visit from Geoff an ex serving member of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (R.N.L.I.) as part of the organisation’s ongoing campaign to educate young people about water safety.

Geoff gave us a demonstration of the safety equipment used by their lifeboat crews, including life jackets and  throw ropes . We had the  opportunity to try on the life jackets and learn how to put them on correctly. We learnt lots of information about keeping safe near water.


October 2023

Today in P.E. we learnt about our core muscles.  We learnt how to balance by keeping our head upright and still. keeping our tummy (core muscles) tight, keeping our back straight and holding our arms outstretched. Take a look at our amazing balances!


October 2023

Today in our Forest School session we learnt about fire safety rules. We learnt about the three parts of a fire triangle, fuel, oxygen and heat. We talked about how different woods burn and how a fire should be extinguished safely. We then had a great time exploring the woods. 

September 2023

Today in our Forest School session we had fun exploring the woods and looking for signs of Autumn. We also looked at  a billhook and found out what it is used for. We listened to and followed the safety instructions. We had a go at hitting the billhook to split the wood. We had a great time.

September 2023

Today in our Computing session we talked about  using technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private, We talked about where to go for help and support when we have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies. We then used Purple Mash to draw a picture using the paint programme.

September 2023

This week in our English lessons we have been reading the book 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch' by Ronda and David Armitage. We have loved reading this story. Every day, Mr Grinling visits his lighthouse and cleans and polishes his light to make sure it shines brightly at night. And every lunchtime, he tucks into a delicious and well-deserved packed lunch, lovingly prepared by his wife. But Mr Grinling isn’t the only one who enjoys the tasty food. What will stop the greedy seagulls from stealing the Lighthouse Keeper’s lunch?

We have written some character descriptions about Mrs Grinling. Take a look at our descriptive word choices! 

 September 2023


Today we couldn't go outside for Forest School as it was very windy and rainy. Today we had a great time in the classroom, making collages with a variety of natural objects. The children chose to make a rainbow wooden chime by choosing a stick to paint using detailed patterns. Once they are dry they will used in the Nursery outdoor area.



September 2023

In our Science lesson today we were learnt that animals  have offspring which grow into adults. We learnt some of the names we use for baby animals e.g. owlets, foal, calf, kit, cygnet, snakelet and hatchling 

September 2023

Today we had great fun exploring the woods in our first Forest School session. We all made a 'Journey Stick'. The children  went on a journey of their choice around the Forest School site and added natural items that they found of interest along the way onto their sticks. After they'd completed their journeys, we encouraged the children to show what they had made to everyone else. We asked them talk about what natural items they had chosen and why they had added them to their sticks. They later used their sticks to help recall their journey, memories and experiences.

September 2023

What a great start Butterflies Class have had to this new school year!

In our English lessons, we have been reading a poem called “I can”. It is about a superhero with special powers. We have been designing our own superheroes and listing adjectives to describe them. Here are some of the adjectives we used to describe them, thoughtful, adventurous, bold, brave, fearless, considerate, kind hearted and heroic.

Take a look at some of our designs. They are fantastic.