Maple Drive, Worksop, Nottinghamshire S81 0LR

01909 486374


Prospect Hill Infant And Nursery School

Welcome to Our Website!

Prospect Fundraising

Friends of Prospect Hill Infant and Nursery School Council

Prospect Hill Infant and Nursery School Council invite you to join their friends group.

If you have some spare time and would like to get involved with fundraising, helping organise events or supporting classroom activities we would love to hear from you.

We would be grateful for as much or as little help that you can give us. We appreciate any time you are able to give.

Leave your details with the class teacher, school office or speak to Mrs. Wain.

Alternatively keep an eye on Prospect Press for meeting dates.



School Council will continue to plan events to help raise money for more fixed equipment for our new KS1 playground.


Have a look at our 2023/2024 fundraising events.

This year we have raised just over £3000.00

Thank you to everyone for your continued support.


We have just ordered a wonderful weather station with some of the money raised this year. It will be installed in the summer holidays.


Keep an eye on this page for news of what else we will buy with the remainder of the money.

Pre-loved Toy Sale

In aid of Sheffield Children's Hospital

School Council's charity this year is Sheffield Children's Hospital so during May they held a Pre-loved Toy Sale. Thank you to everyone who donated some wonderful toys for this event. Our Friends of School Council stepped up once again and ran the event for us.

We raised £227.12 at this event.

Representatives from the hospital and Theo Bear are coming to our assembly on Tuesday 23rd July to receive the cheque from our school council.

Have a look at our pictures.

Summer Fayre

9th  July 2024

The change of date, due to the General Election and the terrible weather didn't dampen our spirits, we held our Summer Fayre as planned. On the day we had to make the decision to run the fayre inside due to the weather and a huge thank you must go to our wonderful staff who changed lessons and ran classes together so we could use nursery. Even though it was raining it was still a warm day so as many doors and windows as possible were open, unfortunately we had to cancel the fire engine and forest activity but everything else went ahead.

The Friends of School Council were amazing once again and helped set up, run stalls and clear away afterwards. We welcomed the ice cream van, ambulance, the police and the brilliant Dukeries Ukeries Ukulele Group played for us again.

We had a few different stalls this year, The Human Fruit Machine was a huge hit and the younger children loved the Hook a Duck.

A BIG thank you to Mrs. Baker for all his hard work making the Human Fruit Machine for us!

Thank you to everyone for your continued support.

Our Summer Fayre raised £1,375.00

Have a look at some of our photos

Here are some videos to watch.

Easter Event 26th March at 3.10pm

Chocolate Tombola

Easter Cake Sale

Easter Egg Decorating Competition

Thank you everyone who came to our Easter event and entered our Easter competition.

Yet again it was a huge success and with your support we raised


As always our Friends of School Council stepped up and did an amazing job with the cake stall and tombola. Some of our Governors, together with our lovely friend Emma from ASDA, judged our competition. They had a very tricky job but thankfully they managed to agree on the winners. 

Well done to our winners!


Thank you to everyone who helped and supported this event. 


New Playground Equipment.

Our new construction yard has arrived!

The overwhelming support you gave us at our fundraising events last year has helped us to buy a wonderful construction yard, which now sits proudly on our Key Stage 1 playground next to our boat. We are very lucky to have been able to have it bespoke made to our children's wishes.

School Council asked all the classes for their ideas of what they would like to see in the construction yard, and have bought some wheelbarrows and hard hats with some of the money they have raised so far this year.

The children were so excited to see it when they came back from their half term holiday and after hearing all about it in assembly they had a chance to explore it later that day during their lunchtime break. They are now having fun pretending to be builders and designers. The year 2's have recently been learning about architects, so they are now able to put what they have learnt into practice. 

Who knows, we might have the next Hundertwasser or Michelangelo in our school.

Thank you to everyone for your continued support in our fundraising efforts.

The children are having a great time!

Christmas Lucky Dip Hot Chocolate Sale

Thank you to everyone who came along to our Lucky Dip Hot Chocolate Sale on our last day of term. We sold out in record time so we are very sorry to anyone who missed out.

Thank you also to our lovely volunteers for once again giving up their time to help us.

we raised £134.00

Thank you everyone!

Christmas Paper Plate Decorating Competition

Thank you for all the wonderful entries, our hall looked amazing again this year. We had lots of imaginative plate decorations and every one was different.

Two of our Governors helped to judge the competition and our very generous friend, Emma, the Community Champion at ASDA, was invited to join them. We know that the three of them had a very tricky job. Two winners from each year group were chosen, who all won chocolate treats kindly donated by Morrisons. We also had an overall winner, who won an amazing craft hamper donated by Emma at ASDA.

A BIG thank you to three of you for taking the time to judge our competition!

A HUGE well done to all 9 winners!

Thank you everyone!

We raised £63

Take a look at just a few of our amazing entries.

Christmas Event.

Tuesday 12th December 2023

Thank you to everyone who joined us at our Christmas Event and for the donations of cakes and raffle contributions.

Our cakes sold out in record time and the Rainbow Raffle was extremely popular. The children enjoyed playing the games and didn't seem too disappointed when they only won a Brussel Sprout on Rudolph's Lucky Dip. You could even grab yourself a delicious hot chocolate and buy some food for Santa's reindeer. We know it's a busy time for Santa but he still managed to spare the time to visit us. He chatted to the children and a few Santa selfies were taken.

We were amazed by the amount of Rainbow Raffle contributions we received in every class and we were able to make up over 10 large, coloured hampers.

Well done to all the winners.

Thank you to Mrs. Batley and Mrs. Sissons for wrapping up all our hampers and making our hall look festive.

The Find the Lucky Stocking number was 62. The winner received a wonderful food hamper that was kindly donated by our staff.

A BIG thank you to our Friends of School Council for taking the time to set up and run stalls at the event. Without your continued help and support, events like this would not be possible.

Thank you everyone!

We raised £676


Here are some of our wonderful Rainbow Raffle hampers.


Friday 10th November in the school hall at 3.10pm

Thank you to everyone who came along and had a go.

We raised £147.00.

A BIG thank you for all the trick or treat donations that were sent in and a HUGE thank you to our event volunteers! Without you all these events would not be possible.

Thank you everyone! 

Have a look at our 2022/2023 fundraising events. 

What a fantastic time we had!

The sun shone and there were smiles all round at our summer fayre on Thursday 6th July. You could splat the rat, spin the wheel, knock down the cans on Tin Can Alley, even toast marshmallows in the forest. If you fancied trying your luck on the tombola, teddy tombola, name the bear or lucky lolly sticks it was all there for you to enjoy and much more besides.


We had the most amazing prizes on our raffle which were all generously donated by local companies. Our food hall was awash with the mouth-watering smell of tasty hotdogs and cakes. If this wasn't enough you could wash it all down with a cooling ice-cream from the van on the field.


The amazing Dukeries Ukeries Ukulele Group performed for us and kept us all singing and dancing. Did anyone spot our very own Mrs. Parker?

Ranger Steve and his dinosaur came along and our local PCSO's brought their police van. The children loved talking to officers and sitting in the van. Even Ranger Steve had to get in!

Mr. Demery brought his ambulance car and the children had a chance to try on uniform and learn some early first aid as well as bandaging the dummy.

A HUGE thank you to all the Friends of School Council helpers who gave up their time to help prepare the stalls on the days running up to the event, set up on the day and also run stalls. Without you and our brilliant staff, who rush out from their classrooms at the end of the day to run stalls and clear away afterwards, events like this wouldn't be possible.


Thank you also to everyone who donated bottles, cakes, and came and enjoyed the fayre. 


With your support we raised a whopping £1878.00

Take a look at the photos of the summer fayre. 

May Book Sale

We held another pre-loved book sale and raised £35 for the RNLI

Thank you to everyone who supported this event.

Easter Fundraising 2023

School Council have worked hard to plan another successful fundraising event. 

Our Chocolate Tombola and Cake Sale raised £422.35

Thank you to everyone who donated chocolate and cakes for this event and a BIG thank you to everyone who took part by having a go on the Tombola and buying some very tasty cakes! Without your continued support these events would not be possible.

A HUGE thank you to our amazing helpers, your hard work was really appreciated!

Our Easter Bonnet Competition raised £90

What an amazing response we had to our Easter Bonnet competition! The beautiful colours and designs brightened up our hall and it was clear to see that everyone had put a lot of effort into their bonnets.

Well done to everyone who entered and a BIG well done to the winners! Our Governors had a tricky job judging the competition. 

All of our prizes were donated by Asda, Tesco and our staff.

The proceeds from this event will go towards some more equipment for our playground.

Thank you for your continued support.

Have a look at the photos from our Easter Event.

We had an Easter Bonnet parade within our year groups.

Look what we have spent some of the fundraising money on...

Pre-loved Book Sale

by School Council & Reading Ambassadors

School Council and the Reading Ambassadors have worked together to raise money to improve our very tired KS1 library.

They decided to run some pre-loved book sales and were amazed at how many books were donated.

The money raised so far has been used to buy the carpet in our new library.

Thank you to everyone who has donated books and attended our sales.

We will be running more book sales throughout the year.

Christmas Fundraising 2022

School Council have been very busy planning lots of Christmas fundraising events.

We raised £800

All proceeds will go towards improving our KS1 library.

Thank you for your support.

Have a look at all the events that took place during December.

Design a Christmas Bauble Competition

Have a look at some of the lovely entries we had.

Our prizes were kindly donated by ASDA, Worksop.

Well done to the winners

Christmas Performance Fundraiser

Guess the Weight of the Fruit Cake (made and kindly donated by Mrs. Watkinson) 

Guess the Value of the Chocolate coins in the Jar (kindly donated by Mr. Gould at Home Bargains, Rotherham)

Well done to the winners.

Jolly Jar Tombola

Thank you to Mrs. Sissons, Mrs. Batley and Mrs. Atherton for running the stall for School Council. It was a great success. We had some amazing jars donated by the children and the stall ran for 4 nights. All the jars were won.

Thank you to everyone who donated jars and had a go on the tombola. 

Christmas Raffle

Once again our Christmas raffle was a huge success. 

We had some amazing prizes donated by Tesco, Morrisons and our lovely staff.

Have a look at some of them.

Pre-loved Book Sales

School Council and the Reading Ambassadors worked together.

The books sales were so popular that more sales are planned in the New Year.

Thank you to everyone for supporting all these events.

£800 is an amazing amount of money and we are so grateful. 

Have a look at the School Council page to see how these events were planned.


The last few years have been difficult to say the least, but with your support, School Council's hard work with fundraising events and the help of local companies, we managed to raise enough money to buy some fixed playground equipment for our new KS1 playground.

The children have loved watching the playground take shape.


Thank you to everyone for your continuing support.

Have a look at our 2021/2022 fundraising events. 

School Council's Summer Raffle

July 2022

Our summer raffle raised a HUGE £220!

We had lots of prizes, all of which were kindly donated by local businesses and clubs. Here are the winning ticket numbers.

721          950           93         820          46           932         310          531            242       139        471          834           949       62            929         187          568

Congratulations to the lucky winners and a BIG thank you to everyone for your continued support.         


Take a look at our prizes.

Thank you to Adsa, Morrisons, Tesco, Premier Foods, Dinnington Rugby Club, The Deep and everyone else who donated prizes.

The proceeds from this event will go towards buying a Buddy Bench for our new playground.

Take a look at our School Council page for more details 

School Council's Sports Week Fundraiser   June 2022

Name the Bear and How Many Sweets in the Jar?

Thank you to everyone who supported this event.

We raised £150 towards the School Council playground project.

The bear was named Joseph and there were 65 sweets in the jar.

Well done to the winners.

Have a look at our School Council page for more details.

Easter 2022

Mrs Wain's Skydive

Our Easter event this year is slightly different.  Mrs Wain is taking part in a tandem skydive at Skydive Hibaldstow, on Saturday 2nd April, to raise money for our school council playground project.  We are hoping to raise £1000 and you can donate on the Just Giving page.

The children have been invited to take part in a design a t-shirt competition. One design per year group will be chosen and  printed on a t-shirt that she will wear on the day.


On Saturday 2nd April at 9.30am I checked in at Skydive Hibaldstow, to do my tandem skydive. After a briefing and a short training session, the only thing left to do was wait for my name to be called. 

I didn't have long to wait, at approximately 10.30am my name was called and I met my instructor to prepare for the jump. My instructor was Rob and put me at my ease straight way. After putting on the special suit and the t-shirt designed by some of the children at school, I was helped into a harness which eventually would be attached to my instructor's harness. When all the safety checks were complete it was time to get on the bus to have the 2 minute drive to our plane.

We boarded the little white plane, in lovely sunshine and we were soon making our way up to 15,000 feet. During the flight Rob told me what would happen when we were ready to jump and at 10,000 feet he began to tighten my harness and attach us together. 15 minutes after take off the door opened and it was time to jump.  


When the door was opened, the cold swept through cabin and the noise of the wind and the engine was almost deafening. At this point my heart was racing with a mixture of fear and excitement. 

After what felt like seconds it was my turn to jump. Remembering my training and everything Rob had told me in the plane I sat on the floor with my legs hooked under the plane and in a heartbeat we were free falling at 120 miles per hour. The extreme cold initially took my breath away and within seconds I couldn't feel my face or hands. I found out later the temperature was minus 30 degrees when we jumped. It was the most amazing thing I have ever done, 60 seconds of spinning in the air, arms outstretched looking at the clouds around me and land below. 

All too quickly the parachute cord was pulled and the free fall was over.

From this moment on everything stood still for a while as we floated down. Rob gave me control of the parachute, and under his guidance began to swing left and right. I could see the Humber Bridge in the distance and tiny buildings underneath us. There was now a feeling of calm after the thrill of free falling, all I could hear was the breeze rustling the parachute and Rob's voice. 

In what felt like the blink of an eye we were preparing for our landing and I would be left with memories of an absolutely amazing experience that pushed me way outside my comfort zone.

The skydive has raised over £1000 up to date and I would like to thank everyone who has supported me, families, staff and the children for designing the t-shirt and for their overwhelming excitement. Your support and generosity will help buy a piece of fixed playground equipment for the children to enjoy for years to come.

Thank you to everyone who donated and supported me, the final total was £1059.65

Thank you!

Mrs. Wain x

Take a look at the skydive video. I hope you enjoy it.

We had a great Red Nose Day this year. The children came to school wearing red clothes and some had Comic Relief boppers and red noses.  We enjoyed lots of different activities throughout the day including building habitats out of Lego, designing our own red nose, colouring, word searches, told jokes and lots more.

Have a look at our pictures.


We asked for donations to be sent directly to Comic Relief.

Thank you to everyone who donated.

Christmas Event 2021

School Council had a busy run up to Christmas organising two different events. 

Everyone had a great time decorating their baubles in our bauble decorating competition.  Our Governors had a very tricky job judging.  Here are just a few of the wonderful entries.

We raised an amazing £151 towards our playground improvement project.

Our hot chocolate treat table was a huge success. Donations were collected in our honesty tins and we raised £144 towards our playground improvement project.

Thank you to everyone who took part in our Christmas bauble decorating competition and who donated to our hot chocolate treat table.

Thank you for your support.

Children In Need 2021

We had an amazing Children in Need day again this year. The children came to school in Pudsey clothes, spots or their own clothes. We enjoyed lots of different Pudsey activities throughout the day including Pudsey maths, Pudsey PE and lots of colouring, mask making and spot to spot pictures.

We asked for donations to be sent directly to Children in Need.

Thank you to everyone who donated.

Nursery had lots of fun doing Pudsey activities.

Breakfast club enjoyed their Pudsey colouring.

Butterflies class dressed up, enjoyed Pudsey PE and colouring activities.

Foxes class had a fabulous day too.

Squirrels class had a super day.

Have a look at our 2020/2021 fundraising events.


We have won the Asda Green Token Giving vote.

We have now received a cheque for £500 towards our playground improvement project.

Thank you to everyone who voted for us.

Unfortunately, due to COVID 19 we were unable to have our annual summer fayre again this year, but that didn't stop our  School Council organising a summer raffle.  Our councillors always run a successful raffle and this year was no different. They were able to secure some wonderful prizes and raised an amazing £381.00 towards their playground improvement project.

Take a look at our School Council page to see a full list of prizes. 


Thank you to everyone for your continued support.

Monday 19th July 2021

School Council's application for the ASDA Foundation, Green Token Giving Scheme has been accepted.

Due to COVID there are no boxes in the stores this year so please vote using the link below. Any money we receive will go towards our KS1 playground fund.

Keep an eye on this page to see how we get on!
Thank you for your support. 

Easter Colouring Competition 2021

Our children took part in a colouring competition, which was organised by School Council. We had an amazing amount of entries and our Governors had a very tricky job choosing the winners for each year group.

Thank you to everyone who entered, you all put a massive amount of effort into your colourings and well done to all our winners.

We raised £120.00


Red Nose and Spoon Walk 

This year the children took part in a Sponsored Red Nose and Spoon Walk. The children completed at least one lap of the school playground whilst balancing a Red Nose or ball on a spoon. We invited the children to collect sponsorship for the event and donate it directly to Comic Relief.

Thank you to everyone who sponsored the children and donated.

The rain didn't stop us having fun!