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01909 486374


Prospect Hill Infant And Nursery School

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Year 2 


Thank you to Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue for visiting us today. They came and spoke to us about how the fire service keeps us safe. We enjoyed using the hose and climbing into the fire engine. 

We thoroughly enjoyed Multi-Cultural Arts Week. Our class represents UK, Malta, Poland and Portugal. We created flags and we learnt facts about each country. We also enjoyed folk dancing. 

We enjoyed watching the lifecycle of a butterfly. Today we released the butterflies into the wild.



Today we painted our clay animals that we created at the Harley Gallery.



We throughly enjoyed National Sports week. We all took part in a variety of different activities. Hockey, Yoga and circus skills. Thank you to Mrs Eadie for organising this fun filled week! 

During Forest School we made animal homes. We revisited Science and discussed the Science words; habitat and micro habitat. We also discussed what an  animal’s habitat will need to include. 


This half term we are pleased to be back in the forest! During this half term we will have our final Forest School sessions. This week's session was all about making shelter. We then had time to explore in the forest. Some of us enjoyed observation drawings, making a hammock and hunting for worms. 


This half term we have thoroughly enjoyed learning about significant people who have had a huge influence on flight. We learnt about the Wright Brothers and how they inspired future piolets such as, Bessie Coleman and Ameilia Earhart. We also learnt about Neil Armstrong too. Below are some examples of our  independent writing explaining what we have learnt this half term. 



We have been busy making finger puppets and stick people in Art and Design & Technology.


We had a fantastic trip to Harley Gallery today. We visited the Portland Gallery exhibition and we had the challenge of trying to find animals in the paintings and on the artifacts. We then went into the studio and created clay creatures. 


Thank you to everyone who came along to our vehicle showcase today. Everyone made a vehicle .



Recently, our homework activity was to design online safety posters. Below are some of the posters we have have created. 


We had fun making paper bridges. This lesson brought our Science Materials unit to a close. Prior to this activity we tested how strong paper was. We found out that the weakest paper was tissue paper and the strongest paper was sugar paper. We then designed a paper bridge out of sugar paper that had to hold a toy car. Here are some of our finished designs.



Thank you   to everyone who came along to the Phonics/reading showcase. We had lots of fun reading stories and playing spelling games. 


Here are our finished designs.

We have been enjoying our Art topic this half term. We know what the job of an architect is and we have been learning about Hunderwasser,  In our sketchbooks we have completed observational drawings of Hunderwasser’s buildings.  This week we have started making our own cardboard structures. 

Here is a collection of our fabulous writing. Well done Owls!


Today we brought our half term topic, Towers, Tunnels and Turrets to a close. We have LOVED learning about castles and the history of William the Conqueror! Ask any of us about the story of the bayeux tapestry and we will blow you away with our knowledge! In recent weeks, we have looked at castles and their features, we designed our own castles  and today we made our own castles.  Here are some pictures from  a very busy afternoon! 

We performed our Nativity at Christchurch, Thievesdale lane. Well done everyone. I am SO proud of you! Your singing was brilliant and those of you who had speaking parts delivered your lines clearly. 

Thursday was Christmas dinner day!  it was delicious. 

We have started off the month of December with a Maths book day. We read the non-fiction book, Actual Size and was interested in finding out the measurement of certain animals. Did you know that a shark's tooth is 10cm long? Did you know that Atlas Moth's wing is 30cm? We found animals in the book that we wanted to draw. We measured the length of them using a 'cm' ruler and then we used our observations to draw the animals to the actual size. We then cut them out. It was lots of FUN! Below are some examples:


Today was PIZZA DAY!  We  planned what we wanted on our pizzas and today we prepared and cooked them. 

Children in Need.

We discussed what the charity Children in Need is and what the fundraising money supports. 

This week is anti-bullying week. We have discussed what bullying is and how we can make a noise about bullying.  We have also talked about how we are all unique and all have special qualities. We have also spoken about the value this month, tolerance.

On Tuesday ,we had a visit from Grandad Wheels. He spoke to us about treating everyone the same. He also shared one of his stories. We then designed a wheelchair for him. Below are some of our designs. 

This week , we have talked about Remembrance. We discussed why people choose to wear poppies and what they represent.  In Owls class, we listened to the 'last post' and had a two minute silence. We also talked about how poppies have changed over the years and that this year poppies are made with no plastic. Some Owls liked this because it means we are looking after the planet. 

We have started our half term off by learning facts about castles. Our new topic is called , Towers, Tunnels and Turrets. On Thursday ,we created our own non-chronological reports about Castles. 


Well done to our Reading Raffle winners! All winners have been able to choose a book of their choice. If you want to win, then you need to read three or more times to get your weekly raffle tickets. 

Thank you to Geoff,a volunteer from the RNLI, who came in to talk to us about what and who the RNLI are and how important they are. Geoff spoke to us about water safety too. We  will be having a bake sale in the new term to raise money for the RNLI. 

In our latest Art lesson, we explored watercolours, pens and wax crayons in our observational drawings. 

It was our last Forest School session. We explored the woods collecting leaves and making pictures with the leaves. We was inspired by the story, leaf man. We also practised naming the trees the leaves came from. Our next Forest School sessions will be in the Summer. We can't wait to see what the woods will look like during the Summer season. Thank you to all the adult volunteers , Mr Ball and Mrs Reynolds. 

This week in Forest School we had a fire. We had to apply all our fire safety rules. 

This week ,we have been writing character descriptions. We know that we have to include adjectives. Some of us have ensured that we have included commas between the adjectives and conjunctions to explain why a character looks  or behaves in a certain way. Here are a few examples of our fantastic writing.

In Art,we are learning about artists using their environments for inspiration. We have also looked at artists who collect objects and then make something with what they have collected. We have been inspired by the artist Andy Goldsworthy so we went outside and created artwork based on our environment and collected natural resources. 

In Forest School we now know how to  use a bill hook  to split wood.  It was quite tricky but we persevered! The smiles on our faces in the pictures show you how proud we are of ourselves. The wood we split will be used for our fire. 


We have had a lovely first session of Forest School. The sun was shining so it was a lovely afternoon in the woods. We enjoyed making journey sticks. We also enjoyed making animal homes too. 

We have had a great start back to school and I can tell we are going to have a fantastic year 2. Our new topic is Land Ahoy so we are looking forward to learning about famous historic people like Grace Darling. Lots of us would like to know about the RNLI and what they do. This week we have been reading the poem ,I Can. This is a great poem to read at the start of the year because the poem reminds us that we can do anything if we persevere. The poem reminded us of superheroes so we designed our own superhero and wrote a description about them. We also ended the week by writing our own I Can poem. Below are some examples. 

Over the summer we had a planter donated to us so we have decided to make the planter a mini garden. Work has started already by filling the planter. A big thank you to Mrs Reynolds and Mr Ball for giving up their time to help. Here are some pictures from a very, busy afternoon. 

Year One (we are staying as Owls next year with Miss Shaw continuing to be our teacher. We have decided to keep the pictures from last year so you can see what we did in Year 1.)

We had a fantastic Sports day this morning. It was so much fun! Thank you to everyone who came along. We took part in hockey relay, bean bag toss, running relay , egg and spoon and many more. The sun was shining until.... just as we came inside it started to pour with rain!

This half term we have designed and sewn our own decorative fish. Here are some of our finished fish. 

We enjoyed our Forest School session this week. Mrs Reynolds showed us how to make Japanese art using natural resources. 

This week we had our school trip to the National Emergency Services Museum in Sheffield. We learnt about people who helps us in the community. Below are some pictures from the day.

We LOVED the visit today with Olympic swimmer Oliver Hind. 

Today was the start of Sports Week and what a better way to start off the week than basketball skills. 

We LOVED our fruit tasting and making Kebabs this morning. Thank you to Morrisons for coming in and running this session. 

This week we have thoroughly enjoyed learning all about plants and trees. We enjoyed finding out the names of trees on an outdoor leaf hunt. We also made fact files too about what we have learnt.

We had a lovely morning because it was our painting showcase. We designed and painted coasters with acrylic paints. Thank you to everyone who came.

We are Coronation ready! We’ve had a busy week learning what a Coronation is and learning facts about Kings Charles III. Did  you know King Charles III loves nature? We made nature crowns to honour his great interest. We also made a collage of King Charles III’s silhouette and filled the space with pictures of London’s Landmarks. We thoroughly enjoyed acting out a Coronation.  We also enjoyed reading the story the King’s Hats. We have sang ALL week too. We have sang the National Anthem and our school’s Coronation song in preparation for our Coronation assembly.  Finally, we LOVED eating the delicious party food too. God Save the King! 

In Art this week we have looked at the artwork by Paul Knee. Inside our sketchbooks we then made visual notes from the picture, ’The Temple. We noticed the straight lines , the 2D shapes and shapes inside shapes. We used pens, wax crayons and pencils. 

We enjoyed reading the story Bear and the Piano by David Litchfield. Here are some examples of our story retells. 

We enjoyed designing and making London maps. We thought carefully about what we wanted to include on the maps. Some of us included a key and compass directions. 

We had an exciting visit from Captivating Creatures today. The purpose of the visit was to consolidate our learning about animals and their habitats. 

Thank you to everyone who came along to our Phonics showcase on Friday morning.  We talked about our new Phonics scheme, Supersonic Phonics. We briefly showed an example of a Phonics lesson. We then played Phonics games and read stories with our grown ups consolidating the sounds and tricky words we have been learning in Year one. 

In maths our learning objective has been to know  how to describe the movement, position and direction of an object. Our Maths vocabulary has been; left, right, full turn , half turn , quarter , three quarter turn, forwards and backwards. To consolidate our learning we worked in groups to programme the bebots around maps. We worked in groups , taking turns and listening to each other to problem solve. 

In Art, we have been learning about sculptures. We have created our own medal sculptures. Here are some examples of what we have made. 

We are really enjoying our Topic Bright Lights Big City. We have been writing our own short stories based on Steve Antony's Queen strories. 

We thoroughly enjoyed World Book Day today. We all brought in a story prop and we had to guess the story that the prop was from!

Today, we have a visit from Lynne Chapman. We LOVE reading Lynne Chapman books. Some of our favourite books are, Giddy Goat, Class One Visits the Farm and Mr Strongmouse. We enjoyed listening to her read Class Two goes to the Zoo. We also enjoyed watching her draw some illustrations. She  showed us how to draw our own bears too.

Thank you Lynne Chapman!

In Design and Technology we have finished making our moving pictures. We designed our moving pictures to be of an animal that might fly, swim, slither or walk. We carefully designed our background to be the habitat where the animals lives. We also added a leaver to the pictures where we decided to hide the animal's food. 

We enjoyed our last Forest School session today. We learnt how to whittle wood. 

The children love  taking care of the birds and animals and all wanted to make more feeders using left over pears and bird seed. We noticed the birds singing in the trees and the plants shooting through the forest floor. 

This week in History we have been learning about the legend of Robin Hood. In our extended writing lesson, we created newspaper reports to tell people that Robin Hood and his Merry Men have been taking from the rich and giving to the poor!

In Science we are continuing to learn about the different animals groups.  During Science we worked with our partner to sort the pictures of animals into mammals and reptiles. We also had to tell our partner what the key characteristics of mammals and reptiles are.  We know that mammals have fur or hair and they are warm blooded. We know that a reptile’s body is covered in scales. 

We enjoyed making bird feeders in Forest School this week. 

In Art this week have continued to explore printing. Today, we used plasticine and paint to print. We used objects such as buttons, Lego and pasta to see what interesting patterns and shapes they made. 

Here are our finished Maasai tribe necklaces. We had so much fun making them.

This week in Forest School we learnt facts about Squirrels. We learnt that a squirrel makes a drey. We saw a squirrel climbing the trees and so we thought we should make a drey for the squirrel. We worked in groups to collect sticks and leaves.  

Today in Computing we designed Kenyan flags on the Computers. It was tricky but we persevered!

Today we have started to make Maasai tribe necklaces. We used watercolour paints to create our own tribal patterns. We learnt that the Maasai tribe live a traditional life in Kenya. 

Today marks the start of international week. We are learning about the culture of Kenya. We started by learning an African dance. It was quite tricky but we tried our best. We had so much fun! 

It’s a new year and what a brilliant start to 2023 we have had. This half term we go to forest school on Thursday afternoons. We have had our first session where we learnt the fire safety rules. We played forest hide and seek and we made hazard sticks. We can’t wait for our next session. 

It has been our party day today. We enjoyed playing games in the hall and making Christmas crafts. Merry Christmas everyone!

We have been busy making Christmas crafts. 

Our two Owls have won first and second prize in the Christmas bauble competition. Well done everyone who entered. 

Today has been Christmas dinner day. 

Today has been Christmas jumper day, take a look at some of our pictures. 

In maths, we have practised our number place value vocabulary. We have been playing number line games. Our favourite game is Squeeze. We have to guess our partner’s number by asking questions. Questions such as, is it greater than ten? Is the number smaller than fourteen? 

We have been reading Paddington Bear stories. Below are some examples of our writing about Paddington. 

We have been inspired by the work of the artist, Acrimboldo. We designed and created fruit faces. We practised cutting the fruit too. Look at our fruit faces. 

We have been learning the place value of 2 digit numbers. We practically partitioned numbers using tens and ones. 

In Science we have been exploring Autumn. Today we used our observational skills by drawing one half of a leaf. We have learnt that the deciduous trees loose their leaves in Autumn. 

We have started our new art topic called Spirals. We have been exploring using our bodies to make large scale spiral drawings. We had lots of fun. 

This week in Maths we have had lots of fun exploring the properties of 3D and 2D shapes. We played a game where our partner had to close their eyes and we had to put a shape into their hand and they had to guess the shape. We have also sorted 2D and 3D shapes into groups. 

We have completed our first Computing topic. We have been learning this half term all about online safety.  We have also been exploring Purple Mash. In our last sessions we created our own pictograms. We also practised inserting pictures from clipart onto a document and writing captions for each picture. 

This week in our Maths wonder time we had to see how many ways we could make 8. We did this practically with cubes and a part whole model. We then wrote down the number sentences. Some of us achieved the challenge of writing subtractions too. 

This week in Mini Kixx we played over arm throwing games. We had a ball, beanbag and a tennis ball. We had targets that we had to try and aim at. 

We are winners of attendance this week so this afternoon we enjoyed a chocolate treat from the special treat basket whilst watching The Rat Thief by Julia Donaldson. 

Today in Science we had to predict what was in each pot using our sense of smell. We recorded our predictions. We found out that in pot one it was chocolate. Inside pot two was vinegar. Inside pot three was mint and inside pot four was bread. 

This group of Owls have been working hard practising their number place value to ten. They have been using tens frames and numberlines to find one more of a given number. 

Today has been our second session of Mini Kixx. We had a great time learning how to throw, catch and balance beanbags. 

We have been busy making Owls. We used paint to decorate. We cut out the eyes, wings and beak for the owl. 

We enjoyed our first Mini Kixx session. We had lots of fun practising our throwing and catching skills. We also had a challenge to see how far we could jump and how far we could run!

We enjoyed our first Computing lesson today. We learnt how to switch on and switch off the laptops safely. 

We are enjoying our new classroom.